Clinical Nutrition - Homeopathy - Medicinal Herbs
Acupuncture - Lifestyle Counselling and more...

Service Fees

Naturopathic Consultations

Initial Consultation                   $ 275      1 hour 15 mins

Follow-up Consultations          $ 120        30 mins

                                                 $ 180        45 mins

                                                 $ 240        60 mins

Consultation time is charged at $ 240 per hour, pro-rated to the nearest 5 minutes if the visit is between 30 and 60 minutes.

Applied Kinesiology (“Muscle Testing”)

Priced by consultation time.

Food Sensitivities: Consultation time is usually 45-60 minutes

All supplements and remedies are tested using applied kinesiology. This testing is included in the cost of your appointment.

Injection Therapies

Immune Booster (colds & flus). Consultation time + $ 40

B12. Consultation time + $20 for 1 ml, $25 for 2ml

Facial Mesotherapy                 $240 per session + $15 per ml injected. Five sessions to start. Usually between 2 and 4 ml each session. Individual sessions can then can be booked if desired. GST applies because this is not medical.

Additional Services

Blood Tests in Clinic:

Live Blood Analysis                   Consultation time + $ 55

Blood Typing: A, B or O             Consultation time + $ 10

Life labs Blood Tests: full range available. Prices vary depending on test

Blood Tests sent to labs                                                                             

Food Sensitivities

120 foods                                       $ 250

220 foods                                       $ 350

Vegetarian foods                            $ 300

Adding a single food                      $ 22

Urine Tests

Urine Dip                        Consultation time + $ 5

DUTCH Tests: At Home Hormone Tests for:                       

Sex Hormones                                        $ 350

Stress Hormone (Cortisol)                     $ 350

Sex Hormones + Stress Hormone         $ 450

Many, many other tests are available on request, or may be suggested as we discuss your health situation.