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Contact details

Dr Penny Seth-Smith ND
2518 Blackwood Street
Victoria, B.C.
V8T 3W1

Tel: 250-361-9888

Fax: 250-915-7909


Please note: Contacting Dr. Penny by phone rather than email gets a faster response. Thank you.

Maps and directions

Here is a map of the clinic location:

2518 Blackwood Street

2518 Blackwood Street is at the south end of Blackwood Street, very close to the intersection of Cook Street and Bay Street. This part of Blackwood Street is a “NO EXIT” street, and is only accessible from Cook Street between Bay Street and Hillside Avenue. The northern part of Blackwood Street does not allow access to the clinic because Blackwood Street is blocked by bollards, just south of Hillside Avenue.

Directions to Dr. Penny’s clinic

If coming from Cook and Bay, go north (out of town) on Cook. Take the first left, beside Blackwood Park, at the traffic lights that flash green on and off, unless they are red to allow a pedestrian or cyclist to cross. This is Haultain, and is labelled “No Through Traffic”. Then follow the instructions below.

If coming from Cook and Hillside, go south (towards town) on Cook. At the bottom of the hill turn right beside Blackwood Park, at the traffic lights that flash green on and off, unless they are red to allow a pedestrian or cyclist to cross. This is Haultain, and is labelled “No Through Traffic”. Then follow the instructions below.

When you have turned onto Haultain, take the immediate left, only 20-30 feet from the Cook and Haultain intersection, down the “NO EXIT” street.

This is Blackwood Street. 2518 is the 6th house on the right. It is a light terra-cotta/coffee coloured house with a palm tree outside, and the entrance to the clinic is at the back of the house.

Parking is available outside the house, and there is 2 hour free parking all the way along the opposite side of the street, except beside the hedge or by yellow curbs.

Blackwood street has a turning space, surrounded by the cedar hedge, so that traffic can turn around to exit the street or park on the opposite side of the street more easily. Please do not park in this space as parking there prevents others from turning easily, and it has a yellow curb that is not easily visible, so you could get a parking ticket. This is also true for the hedge directly opposite the house, except that the yellow curb is even less visible!