Naturopathic medicine uses complementary therapies including clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, targeted deep detox, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and lifestyle counselling, to assist the whole person in maximising the body’s inherent self-healing capacity.
Naturopathic doctors have seven years of training: three years of university pre-medical sciences, then four years (5,000 hours) at an approved naturopathic medical college. Here they cover the same western medical diagnostic studies as MDs, followed by training in a variety of natural treatment methods, including 1,200 hours of supervised clinical experience.
Naturopathic doctors can therefore use natural healing practices, while taking into account any standard medical treatments the patient may be using, for a truly integrated treatment protocol that is individualised to each patient’s specific needs at that time.
Certified post-graduate services:
Offering these certified services requires additional post-graduate training and ongoing continuing education.
Prescription medications
In appropriate cases Dr. Penny offers desiccated thyroid and/or sustained release T3 thyroid hormone in addition to or instead of synthetic thyroid hormone. Also the bio-identical female hormones (estrogens and progesterone). These may be prescribed when appropriate in the context of treating the whole person.
You can also get refills for a wide variety of your other prescriptions medications during your naturopathic visit if appropriate.
Facial mesotherapy
This naturopathic approach to wrinkle reduction differs from Botox treatments in that it supports your own production of collagen to plump up tissues, postpone wrinkles that are just starting, and soften existing wrinkles. It does not affect facial muscle movements or expressions. Results may vary depending on your facial tissue health and your age. Treatments before the age of 50 last longer.
Scar reduction
The same process can be used to address facial scars such as those from acne. Other natural treatments can help soften scars in other areas of the body that cause discomfort.
Oral Chelation: Heavy Metal Detoxification
Many of us have unknown heavy metal burdens acquired from a history of mercury amalgam fillings, leaded gasoline and paints in the environment, aluminum from cookware and other environmental sources. Heavy metals are known to be passed on from our mothers as we develop, and can be handed down several generations. For those who are needle-shy I offer heavy metal detoxification by taking pills, after initially testing for your personal heavy metal burden.