Clinical Nutrition - Homeopathy - Medicinal Herbs
Acupuncture - Lifestyle Counselling and more...

Naturopathic Family Physician

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A UV filter (disinfecting) filters all circulating air in this building, to increase your protection

For all in person visits, please feel free to wait in the back yard if the weather permits.


Long Covid and Post-Pandemic exhaustion

Are you struggling to get through the days since having Covid? 

Do you have symptoms you didn’t have before having Covid, or are your previous problems magnified?Do you feel that you don’t have the energy to do more than just get through, with little or none left for enjoyment, or to rest and recuperate from feeling so drained?

Or are you worn right down by all the stresses, difficulties and changes of the past three years?
Or both!

The Naturopathic approach offers many ways of supporting your systems to help you make a come-back. Book online or call me on 250-361-9888 for an appointment, or to set up a 10 minute meet and greet call.

Dr Penny Seth-Smith BSc (Hons) ND

Registered Naturopathic Physician
Certifications in prescribing, oral chelation and acupuncture

Particular interest in complex difficult-to-diagnose cases,
the interplay between physical and
mental & emotional health

Offering Live blood analysis and Muscle Testing / Applied Kinesiology in addition to conventional
medical analysis 

Do you feel you have tried everything
and nothing has really worked?
Have you been told that nothing is wrong
and yet you still feel awful?
Do you react to so many medications
and treatments that you despair?

Get sage advice from a naturopath with 30 years experience

Natural Doctor - Naturopathic - Dr Penny Seth-Smith

Natural Doctor - Naturopathic - Dr Penny Seth-Smith

Dr Penny Seth-Smith is an integrated Naturopathic Physician for adults, children and infants. She has an English science degree, 4 years (5,000 hours) of Canadian post-graduate Naturopathic medical education and 30 years experience in natural treatments for a wide variety of illness and disease.  Her particular expertise is in treating Gut Health, Anxiety and Depression, Thyroid problems, Hormonal imbalances, Migraines, Seasonal Allergies, and Long-term Effects of Childhood (and later) Traumas. Currently Long Covid is a significant focus in her clinic.

She also offers gentle treatments suitable for the Highly Sensitive Person.

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Providing Naturopathic Treatments for:

  • Long Covid: symptoms that persist or return
  • Post-viral syndromes in general (please click on post below for more)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Post partum depression
  • Childhood trauma
  • Long term effects of previous mental / emotional traumas
  • Concussion and post-concussion syndromes
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Leaky Gut
  • Food sensitivities
  • Candida overgrowth
  • SIBO (Small intestine bacterial overgrowth)
  • SIFO (Small intestine fungal overgrowth)
  • Celiac disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Kidney function problems
  • Thyroid problems
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Breast Health
  • Osteoporosis and osteopenia
  • Migraines
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Burn-out
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Myalgic encephalitis (ME)
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • The highly sensitive person

Additional services offered:

  • Muscle testing (Applied Kinesiology)
  • Homeopathy
  • Live blood analysis
  • Lab testing
  • Genetic testing and applying the results to your health regimen
  • Facial mesotherapy: scar and wrinkle reduction
  • Thyroid treatments: conventional and integrative
  • Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
  • Terrain medicines
  • Acupuncture
  • Prescription medications
  • Oral chelation (detoxing heavy metals with pills rather than intra-venous treatments)
  • Functional medicine (Clinical Nutrition)
  • Medicinal herbs
  • Lifestyle counselling
  • Vitamin B12 injections
The clinic is allergen-sensitive in terms of scents and chemicals, however my cat sometimes makes an appearance. If you have an allergy to cats, please let me know and I will ensure he stays out of the way. If you have a severe allergy, we can have video appointments.

Member in good standing of the CCHPBC (formerly CNPBC), and BCND (formerly BCNA) and CAND.

Past Board member for the CNPBC, and Chair of the Bylaws Committee.

Past member of the CNPBC Inquiries Committee and  Standards of Practice Committee.

Organiser and Master of Ceremonies for the BCNA Naturopathic Medicine Week Victoria 2014 & 2015.

Recipient of “Best Naturopathic Physician British Columbia 2019” Canadian Business Award, and “Best Naturopathic Service, Victoria” Quality Business award, 2023 and 2024. 

Appearances on CFAX 1070 and CKNY Radio stations, podcasts on

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Service Type
naturopath, sage, naturopathic doctor, naturopathic medicine
Provider Name
Dr Penny Seth-Smith ND,
2518 Blackwood St,Victoria,BC-V8T 3W1,
Telephone No.250-361-9888
Naturopathic medicine, sage advice for getting and staying well, naturally